Tuesday, September 27, 2016


1.      What is the strongest area of your work?  Why?
2.      What area of your work can be improved on? How?
3.      What was easy about this art activity? Explain.
4.      What was difficult about this art activity? Explain.
tried to make what  I had in my head in an image
5.      What mediums (materials) did you use? What tools in Photoshop/Illustrator did you use?How did you use them? Be specific.
6.      How did you demonstrate the objective (the goal) in this art activity?
7.      If you could do this art activity again, what would you do differently?

my strongest area could be the way that I used the colors.maybe trying to play more with the shape of the letters next time would be better.The easier part was that you could do whatever you wanted with your letter.I did use photoshop and my tools were text tool and move tool. I think that I did a good thing just with the letter "o". finally, I definitively want to know how to use photoshop in a better way