Tuesday, October 18, 2016


1.      What is the strongest area of your work?  Why?
my strongest are could be the way that I placed the pictures
2.      What area of your work can be improved on? How?
3.      What was easy about this art activity? Explain.
4.      What was difficult about this art activity? Explain.
5.      What mediums (materials) did you use? What tools in Photoshop/Illustrator did you use?How did you use them? Be specific.
6.      How did you demonstrate the objective (the goal) in this art activity?
7.      If you could do this art activity again, what would you do differently?

my strongest are could be the way that I placed the pictures. I would like to improve taking better pictures  next time, with more interactions. use the layer mask was the most easy part of this.  but tried to find a good place and time to take the pictures was really hard. I did use photoshop and my tools were just layer mask and  brush to made it. I took a lot of picture of the same person and made it look like there were a lot of herself(clones) so I think that I did the goal. and it's weird and creepy, so I liked it. definitely, I would like to do more interactions between picture. know how to use better the tools of photoshop for don't make any mistake in the future. But it was interesting and I learned new things

1 comment:

  1. Effort: 3 (not quite 30 pics on CS)
    Composition: 4
    Correct application of LM:3
    Image Quality:3
    Reflection: 3
